First published by Woolshed Press in 2010
Critically acclaimed author James Roy’s latest book for teens, Anonymity Jones, concerns sixteen year old Anonymity, a normal teenage girl except for the fact that her life seems to be falling apart around her. Her father - in-between secretary girlfriends - is having a breakdown, her mother’s new boyfriend has some suspicious tendencies, her girlfriends have all dumped her for boyfriends and she’s in love with her thirty-year old art teacher. And to top it all off her older sister, the only one she can talk to, has run away to spend the year in Europe.

I came to Roy's writing late and found his style appealing. There is plenty, either in Anonymity's head or in the action, to drive the reader on. He does have some nice moments of well-written or clever prose as well.
Anonymity Jones is a good choice for those who want all the angst without the supernatural love affair. Also watch for the clever plot line with the character Sam. And I also just want to lay on some love for the publishers, Woolshed Press: I love the ideas behind this imprint (of Random House) and am rarely let down by the books they produce.
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